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The Complete Natural Herbal Supplements for Health

A botanical is a plant or part of a plant that people use to try to stay healthy or to treat health conditions and illnesses. An herbal health product or supplement (also called a botanical product) is a type of dietary supplement that contains one or more herbs.

Herbs aren’t necessarily safer than the ingredients in over-the-counter (OTC) and prescription medicines just because they come from nature. Although herbal health products and supplements are advertised as natural their ingredients aren’t necessarily natural for the human body. They may have strong effects on your body. They can also cause unpleasant health effects (also called "adverse effects"). Researchers have studied the benefits and risks of some herbal health products and supplements, but others need to be studied more.

Productof the Day

Pure & Cure Herbs

Complete mixture of scientific and herbal solution Trends of Classic and modern Herbs Solution